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注册地址: 北京市西城区菜市口南大街平原里20号楼1-7、1-9、1-10 会员星级:
单位资质: 注册资金: 50000万人民币
办公电话 010-80864687 传真: 010-63555032
经营范围: 认证;认证培训;互联网信息服务;技术开发、培训、服务、检测;计算机软件研发;制作、代理、发布广告。(企业依法自主选择经营项目,开展经营活动;互联网信息服务以及依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后依批准的内容开展经营活动;不得从事本市产业政策禁止和限制类项目的经营活动。) 备注说明:
中金金融认证中心有限公司(即中国金融认证中心China Financial Certification Authority,简称CFCA),是由中国人民银行于1998年牵头组建,经国家信息安全管理机构批准成立的权威电子认证机构。在中国人民银行和中国银联的领导下,历经20余年积淀,CFCA已发展成为以网络安全综合服务为核心的科技企业。 China Financial Certification Authority(CFCA) is an authoritative certification authority which established by the People's Bank of China in 1998 and approved by the national information security management institution. Under the leadership of the People's Bank of China and China UnionPay, after more than 20 years accumulation, CFCA has developed into a technology enterprise with network security comprehensive services as the core. 作为我国重要的信息安全基础设施之一,CFCA始终坚持自主研发与科技创新,先后参与了“国家金卡工程”、“国家863计划”等重大科研项目,牵头30多项国家标准、金融行业标准、密码行业标准及重要团体标准的制定,先后获得专利授权数十项,多次荣获人民银行颁发的“银行业科技发展奖”及政府、协会等颁发的重要奖项。 As one of the important information security infrastructures in China, CFCA has always adhered to independent research and technological innovation, successively participated in the "National Golden Card Project", "National 863 Plan" and other major scientific research projects. CFCA led the formulation of more than 30 national standards, financial industry standards, cryptography industry standards and major association standards, and successively obtained dozens of patent license, and won many awards from the People's Bank of China the "Science and Technology Development Award of the Banking Industry" and other important awards issued by governments and associations. 网络安全风险是全球共同面临的挑战,CFCA在自身不断发展的同时,积极投身国际安全认证体系构建。作为中国最早一批完成Webtrust国际标准审计并获得苹果、微软、谷歌、火狐等主流操作系统全入根,且是目前中国内地唯一获得LEI验证代理资格的电子认证机构,近年来积极参与CAB论坛、亚太PKI论坛、FIDO联盟、GLEIF Global CA Stakeholder Group等国际组织,共同打造全球化数字开放服务生态。 Network security risk is a global common challenge, CFCA actively participate in international security certification system construction while developing itself. As first batch in China to complete the WebTrust international standard audit,and obtain the root inclusion of main operating systems and root stores, such as Apple, Microsoft, Google, and Mozilla, CFCA is the only electronic certification authority in mainland China that has obtained the qualification of LEI validation agent. In recent years, CFCA has actively participated in CA/Browser Forum, Asia Pacific PKI Forum, FIDO Alliance, GLEIF Global CA Stakeholder Group and other international organizations to jointly create global digital services open ecosystem. 依托雄厚的技术实力和运营能力,CFCA匠心打造电子认证、网络安全产品与服务、第三方支付、互联网财经媒体等多个业务板块,搭建了电子合同签署、证据保全与司法服务等核心平台,先后培育出无纸化、安心签、云证通、APP检测等旗舰产品。凭借多元化的综合服务优势,成为助力政府、金融机构、企业集团数字化转型升级的中坚力量。 Relying on its abundant technical strength and operation ability, CFCA has created many business sectors, such as digital certification, network security products and services, third-party payment, internet financial media, etc., built service platforms, such as electronic contract signing, evidence preservation and judicial services, and successively cultivated flagship products, such as Paper-Free System, Anxin-Sign E-contract Platform, Cloud Mobile Certificate, Information Security Evaluation, etc. With the advantages of diversified comprehensive services, CFCA has become the main force of digital transformation and upgrading of government, financial institutions and enterprise groups. 展望未来,CFCA致力于构建可信网络空间,依托开放平台实现生态协同发展,积极融入国家数字经济建设大局,践行企业社会责任,力争成为数字化时代网络安全的先导者。 Looking forward to the future, CFCA is committed to build a trusted cyberspace. Relying on open platform to achieve ecological synergetic development, CFCA actively participant into national digital economy construction, practice corporate social responsibility, and strive to become a leader of network security in the digital era.
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